JAKARTA - Regular exercise does not always carry out strenuous physical activity. You can try plank, a simple exercise that has many health benefits.

Plank is done by keeping the body straight like a board, using arms, elbows, or hands on the front, and toe as a support on the back. Although it looks easy, many people have difficulty maintaining this position even for just one minute.

For those who rarely exercise, the plank can feel like a big challenge. Every second will feel so long and heavy. But that's precisely the advantage of plank 'small training that is able to have a big impact on the body.

Recently, plank has become one of the core exercises that many people love. Challenges such as plank 120 seconds and plank dance challenge even went viral on TikTok throughout 2024. In Indonesia, plank is one of the most searched sports types on Google during the same year.

Plank does not require expensive tools or a lot of time, but the benefits are extraordinary. This exercise is known as one of the best ways to strengthen the core muscles, as it involves almost all parts of the body, ranging from shoulders, back, stomach, to legs.

Research also supports the benefits of this exercise. A study in the International Journal of Science and Research (2020) found that plank can help reduce lower back pain by strengthening core muscles and improving body posture. This is very beneficial for those who often sit for a long time, such as office workers.

Other research published in the Journal of Exercise Rehabilitation (2023) shows that the plank is not only beneficial for muscles, but also improves physical fitness, respiratory capacity, and endurance. Even plank variations, such as continuous and intermittent plank, have different effects according to individual needs, as revealed by Yifan Zhang's research at BMC Sports Science, Medicine and Rehabilitation (2022).

1. Flexibility

One of the reasons plank to be a favorite is its flexibility. This exercise can be done anywhere, either at home, office, or even during short breaks. No special tools are needed, only small rooms and a few minutes of free time.

If you feel bored with the standard plank, there are many variations that can be done, such as side plank, plank with knee to Elbow, or using stability balls. This variation helps target certain muscles more effectively.

However, plank is not without challenges. For beginners, even holding back a 30 second position can be a tough task. Therefore, it is advisable to start with a short duration, such as 10 seconds, and increase it gradually. It is also important to keep the posture straight, because the wrong position can increase the risk of injury.

2. Benefits for physical and mental health

Plank not only trains physical strength but also increases mental resilience. Holding back the plank position requires a deep focus and ability to control the mind, making it a physically challenging and meditative exercise.

Strong core muscles also support good posture, reduce injury risk, and increase balance. This is very important, especially for those who often sit for a long time or often lift heavy loads.

3. Other benefits of plank

Plank may look simple, but the benefits are very significant. With just a few minutes every day, you can increase the strength of your core muscles, improve body posture, reduce back pain, and even strengthen body resistance.

Don't wait for the perfect time to get started. Take a small step with plank today, and feel the difference. This exercise is not only about physical, but also about consistency and the willingness to become healthier.

Plank is proof that big changes can start from small steps. So, what else are you waiting for? Take a plank position, turn on the timer, and start the journey to a healthier and stronger body.

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