BANDAR LAMPUNG - Candidate for President Ganjar Pranowo invites truck drivers and public transportation to compete in the midst of the onslaught of online motorcycle taxis (ojol). Ganjar is ready to facilitate digital training when he becomes President of the Republic of Indonesia in the future.

This was conveyed by Ganjar after absorbing the aspirations of a number of truck drivers and angkot drivers in RM Sundawa, Rajabasa Terminal Complex, Jalan ZA Pagar Alam, Rajabasa District, Bandar Lampung City, Lampung Province, Wednesday, October 25.

"They told me, sir, please pay attention to the drivers because they are competing with ojol, all facilities that are online. Everyone must be trained digitally, including the system," said Ganjar.

Ganjar emphasized the importance of conventional truck drivers and angkots to be adaptive to the times in the era of rapid and all-changing disruption.

Therefore, said Ganjar, the government must play a role in being present to guide them so that welfare can be obtained through skills and abilities that are in accordance with current developments.

"I'm sure those are driver friends, traditional motorcycle taxis must have other talents. So that when this business cycle changes, they have the next ability and talent that is ready to be developed. Our job is actually facilitation," said Ganjar.

On that occasion, Ganjar also listened to the aspirations of truck drivers and public transportation who had difficulty obtaining route permits. Together with Mahfud MD, Ganjar is committed to facilitating these permits.

"The service that was easy, cheap, fast yesterday we spoke with Mr. Mahfud. It must be monitored, nothing makes it difficult, there are no commissions, no corruption, now it must be brushed off. Small people can definitely feel good government services," he said.

When he came to RM Sundawa, Ganjar, who suddenly came, immediately surprised a number of truck drivers and angkot who were waiting for lunch.

The truck drivers and angkot were so enthusiastic about welcoming the white-haired man to their daily gatherings.

"Eh Pak Ganjar, where did you come from, sir? Let's have lunch first sir," said one of the truck drivers.

Ganjar also ate the pindang fish menu and long beans at the restaurant while listening to the complaints of a number of truck drivers and angkot who experienced problems.

One of the angkot drivers named Faisol was relieved to be able to convey his aspirations to the future leader of the country. Faisol also admitted that he was amazed by Ganjar who was firm and defetus, especially regarding the processing of permits.

"I'll be responsible later, later the subordinates will take care of it as soon as possible. Satisfied (with Ganjar's answer), very satisfied," he said.

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