JAKARTA - University of Indonesia (UI) Public Policy Political ObserverBalikJuwono highlighted the absence of KPK Chairman Firli Bahuri in a call from the Metro Jaya Police regarding the alleged extortion of former Agriculture Minister Syahrul Limpo.

"This incident has certainly hit tensions in the world of law enforcement in Indonesia, especially in the context of the alleged extortion case against former Agriculture Minister Syahrul Limpo. The chairman of the KPK, Firli Bahuri, seems absent from the summons of the Polda Metro Jaya regarding this case," said Shagu Juwono in Depok, Saturday, October 21.

According to Shahu Juwono, as the KPK's supreme leader, Firli Bahuri should be an example for other Law Enforcement Apparatus. He views that in a strong law enforcement system, it is important for all parties, including the chairman of the KPK, to undergo the applicable legal process.

Furthermore,ru Juwono emphasized that Firli Bahuri is a retired commissioner of the police general. Therefore, as a respected former police officer, Firli must respect the National Police institution who is carrying out its investigative duties.

This reflects the importance of cooperation between law enforcement agencies in handling serious corruption cases.

Juwono saw Firli Bahuri's absence from the Polda Metro Jaya as a potential opportunity for Firli to prove that he was innocent.

By collaborating in the ongoing inspection process, this will help maintain the integrity of the KPK and ensure that the law applies to all, including public officials holding important positions.

Juwono also emphasized the importance of transparency and accountability in the legal process. He supports the efforts of law enforcement officials to carry out fair and objective investigations of all parties involved in this case.

In the view of Junyono, eradicating corruption is a shared task for all law enforcement agencies and the public.

All parties must work together to ensure that corruption has no place in this country. This case is an important test for Indonesia's law enforcement system, and it is important for all parties to maintain public trust in efforts to eradicate corruption.

Juwono hopes that this case can be resolved fairly and transparently, and that the result will be a strong message that nothing is excluded from the rule of law, even those who are at the top of law enforcement agencies such as the KPK.

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