BEKASI - The West Java Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Service (DKP) stated that a two-kilometer long bamboo fence with a width of 70 meters on the sea coast of Segarajaya Village, Tarumajaya District, Bekasi Regency, is intended for fishery port projects.
"The length of the bamboo fence is targeted to stand up to five kilometers in an area of approximately 50 hectares," said Head of the Muara Ciasem Fishery Port UPTD at the West Java DKP, Ahman Kurniawan, as reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, January 14.
He explained that this project involved several parties, both public and private. The area of 50 hectares for this activity is a contribution of two companies, namely PT Tunas Ruang Pelabuhan Nusantara or (TRPN) and PT Mega Agung Nusantara (MAN).
"So the left side of this flow is owned by TRPN and the right side is owned by PT MAN," he said.
He ensured that the bamboo fence, which is located exactly in the waters of Pal Jaya, was aimed at building a port channel as a follow-up to the cooperation agreement between the West Java Provincial Government and PT TRPN.
"In the cooperation agreement, TRPN accepts the arrangement of the fishery port area, namely the Fish Landing Base Service Unit or PPI Pal Jaya, Segarajaya Village," he said.
Based on the provisions of the cooperation, each party involved carried out the contents of the agreement and one of them was the arrangement of the area, including the construction of the PPI Paljaya port channel.
"After the agreement, each of its interests can then process it. We from West Java DKP have a vision for the arrangement of temporary port areas from private developers or investors with the aim of business being able to run side by side," he said.
Ahman assessed that the flow is important to facilitate access in and out of fishermen from the high seas to the landing base to carry out loading and unloading activities caught by fish.
Then on land, a fish auction site (TPI) will be built for fishermen centrally. The northern area of Bekasi Regency is projected to become a fishery industrial area.
This project cooperation itself is planned to last until 2028 or for five years starting from the signing of the cooperation between the West Java Provincial Government and the company involved in June 2023.
"And we are assigned as a technical implementing unit. We hope the port can be completed according to the contract period, namely five years of work," he said.
Ahman also mentioned that the concept of building a fishing port has three facilities, namely the main facilities consisting of the port flow or access to and from fishing boats, equipped with a dock, a anchor pond to a lighthouse.
Then supporting facilities such as offices, public facilities, bathrooms, toilets and mosques. Finally, functional facilities include TPI, fish markets, fish processing, and unloading of ships when repairs are made.
"These three facilities are in the cooperation agreement with the private sector," he said.
Meanwhile, members of the Bekasi Regency DPRD from the electoral district (dapil) V include Babelan, Muaragembong and Tarumajaya Marjaya Sargan sub-districts, ensuring that the sea fence in the waters north of Bekasi is different from in Tangerang.
"It's different, Bekasi is legal, for PPI Port (the base for the fish landing), officially, it's different like in Tangerang, so it's not mysterious," he said.
He stated that the construction of the PPI Paljaya area was an activity from the West Java Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Service which collaborated with third parties through development efforts.
"But try to ask the full details of the marine service in the province, because that's their program," he said.
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