JAKARTA - The Gerindra Party presidential candidate, Prabowo Subianto, confirmed that he would continue the performance of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi). He also promised to eliminate Indonesia's poverty if he was later elected president.

According to Prabowo, Jokowi has built a strong foundation during his tenure as head of state. This is one of the keys to overcome various problems in Indonesia.

"The strong land has been built by Pak Jokowi, brick by brick, stone by stone, policy by policy. Everything goes to Indonesia which stands on our own feet," Prabowo said when giving a speech at the declaration of Jagat Prabowo in Jakarta, Thursday, October 19.

Prabowo also promised to continue Jokowi's strategy if he was elected president, including to alleviate poverty in the country.

"If I am given the trust of the Indonesian people, if my team and I are given a mandate by the Indonesian people, I will continue Pak Joko Widodo's strategy and I will fight hard to eliminate poverty from Indonesian soil," said Prabowo.

Not only poverty, Prabowo will also promise to solve other problems in Indonesia if he becomes the number 1 person in the country. One of them is optimizing resources in Indonesia.

The Minister of Defense is also strongly determined to solve the stunting problem in Indonesia by ensuring that every child gets enough food and nutrition from an early age.

"With sufficient nutrition, no Indonesian child should not drink milk. This is our determination, this is my determination. I will fight as hard as I can," said Prabowo.

Prabowo also called for the spirit of unity for the advancement of Indonesia. "We must process all our sources in Indonesia, all factories in Indonesia must. So that our people's children can work well. Our future is brilliant. We must unite, we must change, we must be cool, we must work together for the sake of a great Indonesia, an advanced Indonesia," said Prabowo.

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