JAKARTA - Deputy Chairperson of the Golkar Party, Nurul Arifin, emphasized that the news regarding the joining of Solo Mayor Gibran Rakabuming Raka to his party was the authority of General Chair Airlangga Hartarto to convey.
"I myself don't want to be speculative, we'll just have to wait this week, in the past two days," said Nurul at the Golkar DPP office, Slipi, West Jakarta, Wednesday, October 18.
Nurul did not deny that there would be a surprise at the Golkar rapidas which will be held on Saturday. However, he did not want to divulge what surprise was meant.
"Maybe yes, because we don't know yet, because we still can't confirm it. I don't dare to be speculative, just wait until tomorrow. Be a little patient," he said.
Nurul explained that in Rapimnas he would listen to the DPD's views regarding who the vice presidential candidate would be.
"Indeed, there are views from the DPD-DPD level I like that. Then there are also commissions, but indeed in the current time it seems that the most important point is the vice presidential candidate. We don't know that this is still very fluid, yes, we can't confirm where it is going and we'll wait until God willing, this week, because yes, we have an agenda ahead of 24-25 as registration day, we already know with whom," he explained.
Nevertheless, Nurul assessed that Gibran was close to the banyan party. This was shown by several meetings between Ketum Airlangga and President Jokowi's eldest son.
"If you meet Gibran, the general chairman often, right on several occasions when he went to Solo and Mas Gibran himself used to come here too, when he was a mayor before he became clear, yes. So the relationship with Golkar is not only at this time, but several meetings," he concluded.
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