JAKARTA - A video of a Transportation Service officer lifting a bicycle lane stick cone on Jalan Army Student, Jakarta, has gone viral on Instagram social media. The video upload received negative responses and oblique comments from a number of netizens.

Responding to various oblique comments, Head of the Traffic Engineering Section of the DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency (Dishub), Hendry Sampurna, said that the stick cone segmentation on Jalan Army Students released by Dishub officers was damaged due to being hit by a vehicle.

"Some have been hit by motorized vehicles, some segments have broken, because they were hit, so we have to make repairs," Hendry told VOI, Monday, October 16.

Improvements made by his party by removing several broken sticks cones in several segments.

"If we don't repair the pull-off in several segments, it will actually cause problems that are not good for cyclists. So there are several segments that are hit, we will pull them out," he said.

Hendry admitted that his party had been removing it for 1 month in several segments of broken stick cones on Jalan Army Students.

"The special revocation segmentation on Jalan Army Students has been carried out for 1 month. We will make repairs using road markings but in certain segments. This Stick cone only functions as a bicycle lane barrier," he said.

The video of the removal of the cone stick as a bicycle lane invites reactions from netizens on social media (Medsos).


'An unclear work result from Guberner, whose promises are not clear'

@ilhamdw_kupepeda juga males lewatnya, banyak belas ilangan tambang emas tak ratusnya

@arifin.putraaa Who used to put the Cone on the bicycle lane barrier... In the end it was removed... Citizens, right? So what about this question?

@rsutrisnohadi Yang made a ridiculous and stupid idea just like that, the same as those who agreed, there was no analysis

@imanuel.rony.3Ide who likes it, it's really crazy to create traffic jams

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