JAKARTA - Myanmar Police have begun to show stern action in dealing with protesters. In the Myanmar capital Naypyitaw, police open fire into the air to break up a demonstration against the military coup, Tuesday 9 February.

A witness told that the protesters fled when guns were fired into the air, but not at the crowd. The witness said the police initially used water cannons and tried to disperse the protesters.

In Bago, northeast of Yangon, police also fired water cannons against the crowd of protesters. Meanwhile in Myanmar's second largest city, Mandalay, police detained at least 27 demonstrators, including a journalist, said an eyewitness.

The riots have revived the memory of nearly half a century of dictatorial military junta rule and lasted until 2015.

"Coups always appear in our minds, whenever we eat, work, even during breaks", said Yangon resident Khin Min Soe.

"We are very disappointed and sad every time we think about why this has happened to us again", he added.

Protesters from various backgrounds are keeping their promise to return to the streets to oppose the military coup carried out on February 1 led by Senior General Min Aung Hlaing.

They also demanded the release of a number of figures detained in this coup, including Myanmar leader Aung San Suu Kyi and Myanmar President U Win Myint. The UN Special Rapporteur says more than 160 people have been detained by the military junta since the coup.

- https://voi.id/berita/31800/selandia-baru-pututus-hubungan-politik-dengan-myanmar

- https://voi.id/berita/31779/tampil-perdana-di-televisi-pemimpin-militer-myanmar-k Kembali-j Janji-pemilu-demokratis

- https://voi.id/berita/31741/ditahan-junta-militer-myanmar-keluarga-minta-profesor-ekonomi-australia-dibebas

- https://voi.id/berita/31538/tolak-kudeta-myanmar-puluhan-ribu-pengunjuk-rasa-k Kembali-turun-ke-jalan

- https://voi.id/berita/31410/pelapor-k Khusus-pbb-lebih-dari-160-orang-ditahan-junta-militer-myanmar

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Protesters have also returned to chanting for the struggle to change provisions in the constitution, which give veto power to the military in Myanmar's Parliament. As well as the elimination of federalism which made Myanmar ethnically divided.

"We will continue to fight", read a statement from youth activist Maung Saungkha, who called for the release of political prisoners and the complete destruction of the dictatorship.

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