JAKARTA - When you want to vacation in a country with winter at the end of 2024, one of the important things to pay attention to is clothes. The clothes to be worn must be adjusted to the temperature of the destination, so that the body remains warm and stylish.
The recommended method of dress for winter is layering or wearing clothes in layers. However, clothing layering should not be done carelessly, because it can cause discomfort when wearing it and not stylish.
"If we travel to a place with winter, the keyword (for clothes) is indeed layering. But layer can't be arbitrary, because if the layer is wrong, it will be very connected or uncomfortable (used)," said Senior Marketing Manager of UNIQLO Indonesia, Evy Christina Setiawan in the HI Roundabout area, Central Jakarta, on Thursday, November 21, 2024.
In layering clothes for winter used in general are inner or internal, mid layer, and outer. Inner must be in the form of clothes that provide warmth to the body, but also have to be comfortable when used.
For layering, the knowledge in general is inner, mid layer, and outer. The first thing that must be secured is inner first. So if the internal is not right, uncomfortable, it will be easy to cool. The solution from UNIQLO is heattech, which is underwear, thin, but provides warmth," he said.
In the mid layer section, it is recommended to wear knit clothes that provide warmth to the body and display an elegant impression. One of the knitted clothes that can be used is cardigan.
For mid layer can be knit (such as cardigan) like this, or regular shirt, or t-shirt, yes, in general free. But if we are other than knit, what is recommended is a t-shirt fleetce, which is quite comfortable to use for mid layer," he said.
Untuk bagian outer atau luaran, harus sangat disesuaikan dengan suhu tempat dengan musim dingin yang menjadi tujuan liburan Anda. Jika tempat tersebut memiliki suhu 5 sampai 10 derajat celcius, dikomendasi mengenakan jaket pufftech dari UNIQLO.
However, if the temperature of the destination is cooler, it is recommended to wear a jacket with an ultra light down and a seamless down jacket, which provides a high level of warmth to the body.
For the outer there are also several options, this is also determined based on where we want to go, when, so we know how much the temperature is. Examples of pufftech may be for (places) whose temperature is towards 10 or 5 degrees Celsius. But if it gets colder you can use an ultra light down jacket, or want to be warmer, you can wear the warmest seamless down jacket in the UNIQLO collection," he concluded.
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