JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo said the work of archipelagic countries and islands is very important to produce strategic steps, by making the sea a liaison, not as a separator, when opening the first Archipelagic and Island States Forum (AIS Forum) summit in Bali, Wednesday.

President Jokowi said that the AIS Forum is a forum for strengthening collaboration between archipelagic countries and island countries that are connected by the sea.

"The sea is not a dividing between land, but the sea is actually a unifying between land. The sea is actually an adhesive and inter-land link," said President Jokowi in his opening speech, Wednesday, October 11.

"As fellow archipelagic and island countries, regardless of magnitude or small, regardless of progress or development, we share complex challenges that link each other and connect with each other," continued President Jokowi.

According to him, the challenges faced with archipelagic countries and island countries include sea level rise as, marine resource management to marine pollution.

"Therefore, collaboration and solidarity between archipelagic countries and island countries is very important to produce strategic, concrete and tactical steps in solving common problems," said President Jokowi.

"This AIS Summit is an important opportunity to determine the direction of collaboration in the future where there are three things that we need to encourage. First, solidarity, equality and inclusiveness are principles that become a common guide. Second, priority on concrete cooperation is tailored to the needs of recipients. Third, a strong and dynamic framework for facing future challenges," said President Jokowi.

President Jokowi added that Indonesia consistently continues to voice the interests of archipelagic countries and developing countries, both at the G20 Summit, the ASEAN Summit and the AIS Summit.

"Indonesia is also committed to preparing grant funds to be used for the interests of archipelagic and developing countries. And Indonesia wants to invite all countries present, let us continue to choose to continue to establish unity and collaboration even in the midst of divided world conditions.

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