The Defendant In The Murder Of Bunga Lestari, A Polmed Student, Was Charged With Life In Prison
Public Prosecutor of the Medan District Attorney's Office AP. Frianto Naiboho (center) read out the charges at the Medan District Court, North Sumatra (North Sumatra), Tuesday (10/10/10/2023). (ANTARA/M Sahbainy Nasution)

The Public Prosecutor (JPU) of the Medan District Attorney's Office (Kejari) has demanded the defendant Muhammad Ramadhan Hasibuan alias Madan in the murder case of a student of the Medan Polytechnic (Polmed) Bunga Lestari.

"Asked the panel of judges to bring down the defendant Muhammad Ramadhan Hasibuan alias Madan for life," said Public Prosecutor of the Medan District Attorney's Office AP. Frianto Naiboho at the Medan District Court, North Sumatra, quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, October 10.

AP. Frianto said that from the facts of the trial, the two defendants had fulfilled the elements of committing the first criminal act of indictment, Article 340 KHUP, namely with a plan to take the lives of others first.

"The aggravating thing was that the defendant's act of taking the victim's life, causing deep family suffering, was carried out sadistically and detrimental to the local community," he said.

Meanwhile, mitigating factors, said AP. Frianto, the defendant admitted and regretted his actions by taking the victim's life.

After reading the memorandum of demand by the Medan Public Prosecutor's Office, the panel of judges chaired by Khamozaro Waruwu continued the trial which was scheduled for next week with the agenda of reading the defense note read by the defendant or legal adviser.

In the indictment, the Public Prosecutor's Office of Medan AP. Frianto Naibaho on April 7, 2023, the defendant took a knife and then went by city transportation to the victim's boarding house.

"Then the victim ran to the room, then the defendant immediately closed the bedroom door and stabbed the victim's back, chest and head repeatedly, then the victim ran," he said.

After that the defendant returned home to take his wife shopping, after that the defendant left to cut. Shortly thereafter, plain clothes police officers arrested the defendant.

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