YOGYAKARTA - Anosmia is a condition when a person loses the ability to smell. This declining sense of smell also makes it difficult for a person to feel food or drink. Of course, this condition greatly disturbs the comfort and reduces the quality of a person's life. So how long does anosmia recover?

Someone suffering from anosmia cannot smell anything. In addition, usually anosmia sufferers will also feel bland when consuming food or drink. Because the sense of smell is closely related to the sense of taste in the mouth.

Anosmia is also often associated with various health problems, such as sinusitis, flu, allergies, and symptoms of COVID-19. For those of you who experience this condition, it is important to know how long the anosmia will recover and how to recover.

Patients with anosmia can certainly recover soon and their sense of smell is functioning normally again. When anosmia can recover is very dependent on the cause of this health problem. Anosmia caused by mild infection usually recovers faster than conditions due to neurological or physical trauma.

The following is the long duration of anosmia being able to recover based on the causes:

In flu or runny nose cases, anosmia is usually temporary. The loss of smell is caused by swelling in the nasal tract or mucus buildup that blocks the track of smell towards a smell receptor. In this case, recovery can be about 1.2 weeks after infection is cured.

Synusitis and untreated allergies can sustain anosmia. chronic inflammation of severe seasonal sinuses or allergies often takes longer to recover. This condition can heal in a few weeks to months, depending on severity and medical treatment.

COVID-19 is one of the most frequently reported causes of anosmia in recent years. In general, anosmia due to COVID-19 is caused by disorders in the sense of smell due to viral infection.

Most patients report recovery from this anosmia in 24 weeks. However, in some cases, recovery can take up to 6 months or more, especially if there is damage to the neural network.

Anosmia caused by head injuries or diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's tend to be more difficult to recover. These conditions involve damage to brain structure or smell nerve. The length of recovery of this condition is not always certain and some cases may be permanent.

Anosmia, which occurs for a long time, certainly makes the sufferer uncomfortable. This condition can even affect appetite, decreased weight, and lack of nutrition. In addition, anosmia sufferers are also prone to feeling sad or depressed because they cannot smell and taste the feeling as normal.

But instead of just feeling sad and blaming the situation, you should do some ways to treat anosmia. Here are some tips to speed up the recovery of anosmia that you need to know:

This exercise involves kissing certain scents, such as lemons, roses, eucalyptus, or cloves, for 20 seconds each. Do this method several times a day. Research shows that this exercise can stimulate the regeneration of the smell nerve.

Good nutrition can help improve the body's tissue and improve the immune system. Choose nutritious foods for consumption, especially those containing vitamins A, C, and E.

Reducing exposure to dust, smoke, or allergen helps prevent further inflammation of the respiratory tract.

If the anosmia lasts more than 2 weeks without any signs of improvement, you should immediately check with the THT specialist to get the right diagnosis and treatment.

Demikianlah reviewasi mengenai berapa lama anosmia sembuh. Setia[ penderita anosmia mungkin bisa mengalami pemulihan dengan panjangan waktu yang berbeda-beda. Pemulihan anosmia sangat tergantung dari penyebabnya serta gaya hidup atau kondisi dari penyakitnya. Baca juga cara mengembali masin rasa dengan metode sederhana.

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