TANGERANG - The rioting case carried out by community organizations (Ormas) against traders in Kutabumi Market, Pasar Kemis, Tangerang Regency has not yet been revealed by intellectual actors.

In fact, a letter containing an application from Perumdan Niaga Market Kerta Raharja Tangerang Regency was issued by the Head of Kutabumi Market, Hapid Fauzi regarding a request to the People's Cares for People's Market Alliance - Banten.

It is known that the alliance contains six mass organizations, namely BPPKB, PPBNI, CORCAM Warriors of Banten, Pemuda Pancasila, Representatives of Eastern Indonesia United, and LAPBAS.

However, until now the Regional Government (Pemda) of Tangerang Regency and Tangerang Police have not revealed the mastermind behind the case. Although they have found a bright spot on the case.

In fact, even though the police have arrested three members of the mass organization in the case. However, the police have not disclosed the motive yet

Criminologist UI, Josias Simon assessed that the letter needed to be traced further in order to find out the purpose of ordering him to take the action.

"Of course, the rioters were arrested first according to the conditions in the field. The letter needs to be further resolved regarding the perpetrators of the field and ordering them. There needs to be an effort to ask and make sure that cases are not seen covered up," said Josias in a short message, Sunday, October 8.

Josias also said that the police and the local government should be more active in explaining the Kutabumi Market case. The goal is not to widen opinions that are increasingly wild in society.

"Yes, it is more active to answer the confusion of opinions regarding this matter," he said.

Criminal law observer Agustinus Pohan added that intellectual actors must be disclosed immediately. Because according to him, this intellectual actor can be charged with Article 55 of the Criminal Code

"It must be disclosed by the intellectual actors behind it, as referred to in Article 55 paragraph 1 to 2 kup, namely the party that drives the crime (uitloker)," he said.

If the police have not provided information regarding the masterminds and motives of the rioters, the public has the right to complain to their superiors or Komolnas.

"It's better to just report it to his superiors or Kompolnas," he concluded.

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