Acting Head of the DKI Jakarta Water Resources Agency, Ika Agustin Ningrum, emphasized that the leaking coastal safety embankment in Muara Baru, North Jakarta has not endangered community activities. This embankment leak went viral on social media. The owner of the Instagram account @jerhemynemo uploaded a video showing a crack in the barrier between the sea and the mainland on the coast of Jakarta. "Currently the leak is not affected by residents' activities, because the location is far from residential areas," said Ika in a short message, Wednesday, October 4. In the viral video, it is stated that the leaking embankment is a giant sea embankment or Giant Sea Wall. However, Ika denied it. Ika emphasized that the security wall in the Muara Baru area is the Nizam Zachman Embankment. "The Nizam Zachman embankment was built by the DKI Provincial Government in 2014-2015," said Ika. Ika continued, the DKI Provincial Government will repair the leakage of the coastal embankment included in the National Capital Integrated Coastal Development (NCICD) project in the near future. The embankment in the spotlight is included in the Sunda Kelapa area and is under the management of PT Pelindo (PT Pelabuhan Indonesia). "The Natural Resources Service is currently preparing a plan to repair the embankment and continue to coordinate with relevant stakeholders, namely PT Pelindo and Perindo (Indonesian FISHeries)," explained Ika. Along with that, the government continues to carry out the construction of embankments in the NCICD project which has a total value of 46 kilometers. As of 2022, the length of the embankment that has been built is 13 kilometers. This embankment was carried out by the DKI Provincial Government together with the Ministry of PUPR. The NCICD project is divided into three phases, namely phases A, B, and C. Phase A includes the construction of coastal embankments, while phases B and C include the construction of a sea embankment or what is known as Giant Sea Wall.
"The embankments that are currently being built in stages to be resolved are the coastal safety embankments and the Muara Kali or NCICD phase A. What distinguishes (the construction work of the DKI Provincial Government and the Ministry of PUPR is only the distribution of the location of the authority," he added.

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