MUKOMUKO - Mukomuko Resort Police (Polres), Bengkulu Province, revealed a case of embezzlement of 40 rental or rental cars as well as securing a young man with the initials MK (24), a resident of Bandar Ratu Village, Mukomuko City District.

Mukomuko Police Chief AKBP Nuswanto in Mukomuko, a criminal case of embezzlement of rental cars was revealed because the vehicle rental installments from Bengkulu City were stuck and some were not paid by the suspect.

"The suspect was arrested in the Mukomuko Regency area. For the time being, the suspect is a single player but we are still developing it, so it is possible that there are additional suspects," said Nuswanto, Tuesday, October 3.

In early May 2023, the suspect began to establish Rhido Indah Jaya's business, bought and sold seken cars in Ujung Padang Village, Mukomuko City District, and in mid-May 2023, the suspect began looking for rental or rental cars in Bengkulu City.

Then this suspect started offering it to other people through Facebook social media and there was a pawning activity between the suspect and his consumers at a price of Rp. 20 million.

Then on June 1, 2023, the suspect began looking for a Toyota Innova car rental loan with the Navy for a period of 10 days of rental, the suspect again made a pawnshop to other people by asking for information from SG's brother. And there was a pawnshop to SG amounting to Rp23 million.

Then on June 7, 2023, SG again asked the suspect if there was a unit that wanted to be pawned, then the suspect again contacted the Navy to look for the rental of the Toyota Avanza car, after which the suspect pawned the car again for Rp. 30 million.

From June 1 to September 26, 2023, six cars have been rented from the Navy, which belonged to Eka's brother as well as the victim. The car that has been rented has been pawned to other people in the Selagan Raya District, Penarik District, and Lunang Selaut.

In addition to carrying out the pawnshop, the suspect also rented cars from Bengkulu City from May to September 2023, which had embezzled 40 cars.

Meanwhile, 14 people were victims of criminal acts of fraud or embezzlement of vehicles consisting of 11 residents of Bengkulu City and three residents of Mukomuko Regency.

Meanwhile, the evidence that was successfully secured, he said, was 16 cars and three BRI, Mandiri, BSI, and Bengkulu savings books.

He explained that the mode in this case was to borrow or rent and rent a car. After renting it, carry out a pawnshop with persuasion, when the car unit is due, it will be returned and those that are entrusted will be returned in full.

As a result of his actions, he said, the suspect was caught in Article 372 subsidiary to Article 378 of Law Number 1 of 1946 concerning the Criminal Code.

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