2 Thief Specialist Mosque Charity Box In Sidrap Arrested By Police

SIDRAP - Two young people who stole a mosque charity box in Sidenreng Rappang (Sidrap) Regency, South Sulawesi (Sulsel) were arrested by the police. The two were arrested based on CCTV footage of the mosque.

"After checking CCTV, the two perpetrators were arrested, namely R and Al on Wednesday, February 3 at around 18.30 WITA in Majjelling Village, Sub-district, Maritengngae, Sidrap Regency," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Sidrap Police, AKP Benny Pornika, when confirmed by reporters.

The perpetrator of the theft of the charity box took action at the Fastabiqul Haerat Mosque on Jalan Poros Sengkang, Ponrangae Village, Pituriawa District and at Nurul Jihad Wala Mosque, Jalan Poros Sengkang, Wala Village, Maritengngae District, Sidrap Regency.

"The perpetrator's action was at the Fastabiqul Haerat Mosque, Thursday, January 14, while at the Nurul Jihad Mosque on Monday, February 1," he said.

The perpetrator and the evidence were taken to the police station. The perpetrator underwent an investigation process by the Criminal Investigation Unit team at the Police of the Sidrap Police.

One culprit of the charity box thief, was a thief case recidivist. In 2017 he served a sentence at the Class IIa Parepare Prison in a motor vehicle theft case (curanmor).

Meanwhile, in 2019, one perpetrator also served a sentence at the Sidrap Class IIB prison in the case of curanmor

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