KLHK Claims The Risk Of Forest And Land Fires In Indonesia Decreases Every Year
Illustration of forest fires (ANTARA)

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) stated that the risk threat of forest and land fires (karhutla) in Indonesia is decreasing every year. "The current condition of risk risk of forest and land fires has decreased considerably from the previous year," said the Director General of Law Enforcement (Gakkum) of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Ratio Ridho Sani, quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, September 21.

The ratio also ensures that the Ministry of Environment and Forestry will continue to cooperate with various parties including the TNI, Polri, local governments and firefighters to reduce the level of forest and land fires in Indonesia. "Hopefully in 2023 we hope the condition will not be worse than the previous year, even though there are still forest and land fires, but we can handle this quickly," he said.

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