JAMBI - The Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights recorded 228 inmates or inmates in Jambi who were positive for tuberculosis or tuberculosis. This figure is based on examinations in ten prisons and detention centers in Jambi

"Based on the results of x-ray examinations and phlegm tests in nine prisons and one detention center in Jambi Province, as many as 228 inmates and detainees are suffering from tuberculosis and they are currently being treated by local health authorities so that this disease does not spread to others," said the Head of the Correctional Division of the Jambi Ministry of Law and Human Rights, Aris Munandar in Jambi, Wednesday, September 20, confiscated by Antara.

Of the nine prisons in Jambi, only the Women's Prison has zero TB.

Aris explained that the details at the Jambi Class II A Prison were found to be 61 positive for TB from the x-ray test and nine from the results of the phlegm test.

In Class II B Muar Bulian Prison, 13 inmates who were exposed to TBC, Class II B Muara Tebo Prison (46), Class II B Muaro Bungo Prison (15), Class II B Prison Sarolangun four inmates.

In Class II B Bangko Prison, it was found that 31 inmates were infected with tuberculosis, then in Class II B Kuala Tungkal Prison there were 11 Class II B Narcotics Prisons in Muara Sabak, 33 inmates were positive for TB and in Class II B Sungai Penuh Prison five inmates.

"Of the 228 inmates and detainees who were infected with TB from the results of the x-ray examination, 185 people were found positive for TB and the results of the phlegm test showed 43 inmates were positive," said Aris Munandar.

The Jambi Ministry of Law and Human Rights Regional Office asked all prisons and detention centers whose residents were affected by tuberculosis to immediately carry out treatment and treatment as soon as possible so as not to infect other inmates.

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