The North Sumatra Regional Police together with the Resort Police have again uncovered 44 drug cases and arrested as many as 60 narcotics network perpetrators throughout North Sumatra, in two days.

"The 60 narcotics network perpetrators arrested by the North Sumatra Police together with the North Sumatra Police are 23 users and 37 narcotics networks," said North Sumatra Police Chief Inspector General Setya Imam Effendi, through the Head of Sub-Division of Public Relations of the North Sumatra Police, AKBP Sonny Siregar, quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, September 20.

The disclosure of the drug case was carried out on September 18 to September 19, 2023.

Sonny said that from the hands of the perpetrators, evidence was also confiscated in the form of 1.118 kg of methamphetamine, 43.27 grams of marijuana, six motorbikes, one unit of car and Rp3,705,000 in cash, which was the result of drug buying and selling transactions.

The prosecution of dozens of drug ring perpetrators is an effort to eradicate drug trafficking in North Sumatra.

"This action is our priority program. Drugs are a common enemy, the North Sumatra Police have stated their commitment to eradicating drugs in North Sumatra," said the Head of Sub-Division of Public Information of the North Sumatra Police.

Previously, the North Sumatra Regional Police together with the North Sumatra Police arrested 457 perpetrators of methamphetamine, marijuana and ecstasy pills networks in the North Sumatra region, within a week.

The arrests of perpetrators and drug users in that week ranged from September 12 to September 18, 2023.

"From the disclosure during the week, 457 drug network players were arrested from various regions in North Sumatra (North Sumatra). With details of users as many as nine people and a network of 362 people," said North Sumatra Police Chief Inspector General Pol Agung Setya Imam Effendi, through the Head of Sub-Division of Public Relations of the North Sumatra Police, AKBP Sonny Siregar, Tuesday (19/09).

Sony said hundreds of drug ring perpetrators were arrested by the personnel for the disclosure of 351 narcotics cases.

"From the hands of the perpetrators of the drug network, evidence was confiscated in the form of 9.8 kg of methamphetamine, 104.3 kg of marijuana, 51 marijuana trees and 163 ecstasy pills," he said.

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