JAKARTA - The European Commission on Sunday asked Poland, Hungary and Slovakia to be constructive, after they unilaterally stated they would continue to ban wheat imports from Ukraine, despite the Commission's decision to end the ban.

"We are aware of the announcements of several member countries regarding unilateral actions. What is important now is that all countries work in a spirit of compromise and engage constructively," said a Commission spokesperson, as reported by Reuters, September 18.

It is known that Ukraine was one of the world's largest grain exporters before Russia's invasion in 2022, reducing its ability to ship agricultural products to global markets through Black Sea ports. Since then, Ukrainian farmers have relied on grain exports through neighboring countries.

However, the flood of grain and oilseeds into neighboring countries has impacted local farmers' incomes, resulting in the local government banning agricultural imports from Ukraine.

The European Union in May took action to prevent individual countries from acting unilaterally, imposing a ban on imports from Ukraine to neighboring countries. Under the EU ban, Ukraine is allowed to export through these countries on the condition that the products are sold elsewhere.

The European Union let the ban expire on Friday, after Ukraine pledged to take steps to tighten export controls to neighboring countries.

But the issue is particularly sensitive in Poland, which faces elections in October, where farmers are the main electorate of the ruling nationalist party, PiS.

Earlier, Poland, Slovakia and Hungary announced on Friday that they would keep restrictions on Ukrainian wheat imports despite the Commission's decision.

"Our current focus is on implementing and running the new system that has just been announced," said a Commission spokesman, adding that a meeting with representatives of all interested EU countries on Monday would provide an opportunity to discuss the issue further.

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