Political observer Rocky Gerung does not feel criminalized by reporting allegations of spreading false news which made him a reported person.
According to him, the questions asked by investigators against him during the examination process were still about academics.
"There is no criminalization, this is all academic questions. So what I am asking is my capacity to criticize the government for these 2 issues, IKN and Omnibuslaw," Rocky told reporters, Wednesday, September 13.
In addition, this political observer also said that his current statement was criticism of the government based on research results.
"So I say I take advantage of research results, especially those that are criticizing, which praise other parts," he said.
The results of the research on IKN and Omnibuslaw, said Rocky, were obtained from the Legal Aid Institute (LBH) and the Indonesian Environmental Forum (Walhi).
"Yes, I based my argument on the incident. I gave two things. First, the spirit of the struggle of the workers, the second is conceptual equipment to fight with power in those two powers, IKN and omnibuslaw," said Rocky.
Previously, it was reported, Rocky Gerung, that he had finished undergoing further investigation regarding the alleged spread of fake news at the Police Criminal Investigation Unit. About 70 questions were raised by investigators.
"Today's examination is quite long, there are more than 70 questions, continuing the examination from last week," said Rocky Gerung's attorney, Haris Azhar.
Dozens of questions raised by investigators were mentioned regarding alleged violations of Article 14 and Article 15 of Law Number 1 of 1946 concerning Criminal Law Regulations as the basis for Prosecution of Acts of Broadcast False News.
As a reminder, some of Rocky Gerung's remarks or statements were questioned and reported, among others;
"Once Jokowi loses his power he becomes an ordinary person, no one cares later. But Jokowi's ambition is to maintain his legacy. He offers IKN, pacing to the coalition, to find clarity on his fate," said Rocky in the video.
"He thinks his fate is not our fate, it's b****n yang t*l, sekaligus b***ng*n mengguruh. Kalau dia b***ng*n smart, dia mau terima berbahan dengan Jumhur Hidayat. Ajaib, b**ng*n tapi mengguruh," lanjut Rocky mengkritik Jokowi.
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