PAPUA - Jayapura City Environment and Hygiene Service (DLHK) said it only has 5.9 percent green open space (RTH). This figure is from the total area of Jayapura covering an area of 940 square kilometers.

The head of the Jayapura City DLHK, Dolfina Jece Mano, said that each region should prepare 30 percent of the total area of green open space. This provision is contained in Law Number 26 of 2007.

"This is what underlies us to conduct discussions and studies to see the potential that exists in every area in both North Jayapura District, South Jayapura, Abepura, Heram and Muara Tami District to later be developed as green open space areas," he said in Jayapura, Papua, Wednesday, September 13, confiscated by Antara.

According to him, his party has conducted discussions and studies with academics and community leaders to seek input on green open space development which pays attention to the Jayapura City regional spatial plan. The discussion took place on September 12, 2023

"Because green open space consists of 20 percent public green open space and 10 percent private green open space," he said.

He explained that the Jayapura City Government (Pemkot) had developed green open space by building parks along protocol roads from North Jayapura District to Abepura District and Heram District by involving all local Regional Apparatus Organizations (OPD) as well as BUMN, BUMD and religious institutions.

He added that in making the RTH master plan in Jayapura City, his party collaborated with Otto Geisler University, Papua.

"We also involve the World Resources Institute (WRI) Indonesia Foundation which is an independent institution engaged in the environmental sector," he said.

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