JAKARTA - The joint team continues to look for clues to uncover the death of a mother and child with the initials GA and DA in a house in the Cinere area, Depok. Food remains are one of the clues to prove the suspicion that the two died due to poisoning.

Director of General Criminal Investigation at Polda Metro Jaya, Commissioner (Kombes) Hengki Haryadi said the Bidokkes team found leftover food in the house. The food samples were examined to determine their contents.

"Including yesterday with the Kabiddokes, we looked again, why wasn't there any rubbish outside? It turned out that there was rubbish inside where food remains were found, including bread which was still intact. So we are currently investigating this," said Hengki to reporters, Monday, September 11.

The joint team also began checking whether there was poison in the victim's body. The National Police Laboratory is said to have played a role in this matter.

"Including whether there was poison around the crime scene, including whether there was poison in the corpse's body, the samples are still being examined by the forensic laboratory," he said.

Then, the search for whether other people were there before the mother and child died is also being carried out. The way to do this is by tracking footprints around the location of the incident.

"Until now, the Forensic Laboratory team is still working to analyze whether there were traces of other people outside of these two bodies before the incident, possibly whether there were other criminal acts before the incident," said Hengki.

Organize the investigation to confirm one by one the allegations behind the deaths of GA and DA in the house.

"(Suspected) Is this a natural death, is this an incident or an accident, or is this a suicide or a homicide, or a combination of these indications. There are various possibilities, one is suicide and one is murder, we don't know. This is being investigated," said Hengki.

As a reminder, two bodies suspected of being a mother and child with the initials GA and DA were found in a house in the Cinere area, Depok.

From preliminary investigations, both of them are thought to have died since last month. Because, when they were found, their condition was already very pathetic.

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