DENPASAR - Minister of Home Affairs (Mendagri) Tito Karnavian asked the provincial government to help in the success of the legislative and executive elections in 2024.

This directive is addressed to all regional heads in the province, where this was conveyed during the handover of the position of Acting Governor of Bali from Wayan Koster to Sang Made Mahendra Jaya in Denpasar, Friday, September 8.

"I ask the provincial government to help the KPU and Bawaslu, if there are those who don't have warehouses, there may be all of Bali areas, but there are other areas that are not lent," he said as quoted by ANTARA.

"Then there is distribution that needs to be helped in difficult areas, if Bali may not be too difficult but areas on the mountain, on islands such as Papua and Maluku it needs to be assisted by local governments. If it is not assisted, the regional KPU will be heavy, the elections will not be timely," Tito continued.

In addition, the provincial government was also asked to help in terms of budget in the regional head elections (pilkada).

According to the Minister of Home Affairs, the budget process should begin to be discussed at this time while communicating with the KPU, Bawaslu, and the security team regarding the amount of costs needed, of course, adjusted to the financial capabilities of each region.

In Bali itself, former Governor Wayan Koster said they had prepared their budget, and had even raised funds from the regional treasury.

The Minister of Home Affairs said that to make elections a success, efforts from various other sectors were needed, the main thing being the General Elections Commission (KPU).

The Ministry of Home Affairs itself encourages the independent institution to be able to be in a neutral position, then create programs that are in accordance with the situation in the region.

Furthermore, the supervisory agency from Bawaslu to non-governmental institutions, and according to Tito, this is not easy because uniting the perception of inter-networks of the organizers in determining something is not an easy thing.

Next, the important element is the media as the channel of information, then the security forces who anticipate potential conflicts, and finally the people who will participate in the election.

"But from experience so far, Bali, especially in national glasses, is one of the provinces that is relatively safe in the implementation of democratic parties. So yes, we are quite sure that Bali can carry out democratic parties safely and smoothly, orderly in peace and success," said Tito.

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