JAKARTA - United States President Joe Biden's decision to reject the terms of the guilty plea agreement of five prisoners in Teluk 03, should be part of the White House's ongoing efforts to get closer to the families of the victims of September 11, said a person whose family members were killed in a 2001 terrorist attack.

In exchange for a guilty confession for a conspiracy to carry out an attack on September 11, 2001, the defendants will avoid the death penalty. Instead, they will receive a maximum sentence of life imprisonment, according to a report by The New York Times.

"This of course looks like a sign of positive development from the government, at least in terms of its willingness to listen to the 9/11 community and listen to family members," said Brett Eagleson, President of 9/11 Justice, whose father was killed in the attack, reported by The National News September 8.

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the person accused of planning a terrorist attack and four other detainees, asked for additional guarantees of not spending their sentences in isolation cells, and was allowed to eat and pray with other prisoners.

They also want a program to help treat sleep disorders, brain injuries and other health problems that they think were the result of torture during the interrogation before they were transferred to Teluk 04.

"One of the reasons for the defense negotiations is that the military commission has failed and will continue to fail in providing justice," Alka Pradhan, Ammar Al Baluchi's lawyer in this case, told The National News.

Pradhan said Al Baluchi continued to experience serious medical problems related to the torture he was experiencing.

"The Biden administration refuses to provide the necessary medical care to these people, which is a continuing violation of international law. We will continue to seek comprehensive medical treatment and rehabilitation of torture for al Baluchi," he said.

Meanwhile, President Biden has reportedly had doubts about accepting a plea deal for the people responsible for the country's deadliest attack since Pearl Harbor 1941. About 3,000 people in New York, Pennsylvania and Washington's metropolitan area were killed in the attack.

Eagleson is one of the more than 2,000 family members of the victims who urged President Biden to reject the terms of the deal.

"However, it should only be part of the process to make the victim's family feel calm," he said.

"The first part is to reject the plea deal," Eagleson told The National News.

"But the second part is to see a real cooperation forever from the US government, working closely with the families of the victims of September 11 to try to provide a settlement."

Lawyers representing victims' families on September 11 have urged President Biden's Administration and previous governments to obtain documents relating to what the US knows about anyone supporting the terror attack.

Eagleson said families had to "strengthen, scream and scream and demand pieces of information" since the 2001 attacks.

He also said they were told by the Department of Defense that a plea of guilt could still occur, but President Biden has rejected it in its present form.

"But at least for now it seems we have postponed the worst-case scenario, where the Biden administration will sign a deal that will prevent these people from speaking and preventing these people from being tried in public," he said.

"I think this is a signal that things are starting to move in the right direction," he continued.

"We look forward to continuing to work and engaging with the government and President Biden, to eventually bring us to a settlement after 22 years," he said.

Pretrial hearings have been held at prison locations in Cuba for more than a decade. The case was complicated by the CIA's torture of the defendants in the first years after the attack, leading to legal questions about the acceptance of evidence during the trial, among other complications.

Pengakuan dari Abd Al Rahim Al Nashiri, seorang terdakwa Teluk Nasari dalam kasus terpisah, ditetapkan tidak dapat digunakan sebagai bukti karena penyeratan yang dialaminya setelah tiba di pusat penahan pada tahun 2007.

"As Nashiri's recent decision shows, the government's efforts to torture and then use evidence obtained from the torture of these people do not provide good benefits to the country," Pradhan explained.

It is known that the trial date for people accused of planning the September 11 attacks is still not scheduled.

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