JAKARTA The stabbing of two youths in Koja, North Jakarta is classified as sadistic. How not, the two victims initially only reprimanded the perpetrators not to be rude to the shop owner. However, the reprimand actually made the perpetrators angry and then attacked the two victims.

The perpetrator's actions were so brutal that the victim named Rizky Alam (27) died due to serious injuries. Meanwhile, Oktavianus Steven (21), Rizky's colleague, was seriously injured.

After the arrest, it was revealed that one of the perpetrators was a recidivist who had just been released from prison. This was conveyed by the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Koja Police, AKP Asman Hadi.

Asman explained that a recidivist who just got out of prison four months ago was named Septian Adil Wicaksono (25), who stabbed the victim's leg in the thigh, with a mandate.

Adil, continued Asman, was arrested. Likewise with his colleague, Ilham Ciputra (21). Meanwhile, one perpetrator named Tedi Setiawan is still being chased.

"The main perpetrator is a recidivist. He has just served a criminal sentence, sentenced to 8 years," Hadi told reporters, Thursday, September 7.

Meanwhile, the perpetrators who fled played a role in carrying motorbikes, riding Adil and Ilham. (They are) all three neighbors, "he said.

Septian and Ilham have been taken to the Koja Police. They have been named suspects and charged with Article 338 of the Criminal Code with a threat of 15 years in prison.

"The threat is a sentence, Article 338 of the Criminal Code, a maximum of 15 years in prison," he said.

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