JAKARTA - The action of a number of content creators that prevent two-wheeled riders from going against the flow in a number of places in Jakarta has started to reap polemics. Some support their actions, and many even criticize them.
Hardian, one of the online motorcycle taxi directors, also criticized the actions of the content creators. He considered what Laurend Hutagalung was doing was good, because it was to enforce regulations. But the hardian considered the wrong method.
"Based on the rules (regulations), it's good. It's just that the action is too arrogant and also too rude. Many incidents are noisy with people," Hardian told VOI, Thursday, September 7.
Even though it is considered considered good, Hardian still objected to the way the content creators prohibited vehicles from going against the flow on the road. He objected because the content creators did not show a humanist attitude, even their actions exceeded the authorities.
"If you object, obviously object to their way. Just work according to the portion, if not the portion to regulate traffic, what are you doing? Moreover, they are only content creators, they are just looking for money, (they) don't look there. Things outside of that (the content is looking for profit), not their job. They don't have the authority either, right," he said.
As is known, the action of content creators reprimanded a number of motorcyclists in the opposite direction at the Slipi Flyover, Jalan Kemanggisan, Palmerah, West Jakarta, receiving resistance from motorcyclists.
The figure of a man known as Laurend and his partner forbade motorcyclists in the opposite direction. Laurend also did this in Tebet, South Jakarta, which eventually led to a commotion.
In the video circulating, Lauren and a number of crew prevented motorists from going in the direction of Slipi Jaya, to be precise next to the flyover.
However, Laurend's action with the crew again faced resistance from a number of motorists. They were even thrown at by local residents.
Palmerah Police Chief Kompol Slamet said that illegal activities for motorists who went against the flow did not have a permit from the Palmerah Police.
"There is no such thing (permission). There is no permit or permit ( Palmerah Police)," said Kompol Slamet when confirmed by VOI, Wednesday, September 6, evening.
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