TANGERANG - The Polda Metro Jaya Air Polda Air Polda Air Pollution Management Task Force conducted inspections at several factories in the Tangerang City area. Irwasda Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Nurkolis, said that his party found several samples brought from these factories.

"We found that there are factories that do not meet the standards, but this must go through a laboratory process to check whether one of the contributions is air pollution from these factories," Nurkolis told reporters, Wednesday, September 6.

Nurkolis explained the reason for taking this action, namely for preventive measures. However, for now, his party only gives warnings to factories that do not meet the standards.

"We prioritize preventive measures in the form of warnings and supervision of these findings, to see what happens from this air pollution," he said.

He recounted that from the results carried out by the Air Pollution Management Task Force, his party found a factory that uses coal fuel mixed with shells rather than palm oil.

"From this result, whether the combustion results from the factory are perfect or not and can be released into the air or not. So it must go through laboratory checks to ensure that the pollutants released by this factory meet the standards, whether they are appropriate or not to be released into the air," he concluded.

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