JAKARTA - The daughter of the 4th President of the Republic of Indonesia KH Abdurrahman Wahid (Gus Dur) Yenny Wahid reminded Indonesian citizens to remain critical or criticize the 2024 General Election, especially the claims of candidates in the presidential election.
"I hope that all parties, especially Indonesian citizens who have the right to vote, will be more critical in seeing all existing figures, not just look at their claims, but their actions," he said, quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, September 5.
He explained that in the political year, there were many unilateral claims, to incitement and provocation. One of them is claims related to the vote acquisition of the National Awakening Party (PKB), which is not proportional to the vote acquisition of PKB General Chair Muhaimin Iskandar.
"Tergangan pada data yang sifata faktual, jangan mengklaim, karena semua orang bisa," katanya menegaskan.
In addition, as Gus Dur's daughter who is also the former General Chair of the PKB DPP, Yenny Wahid emphasized that they still want whatever happens in future political events to maintain harmony.
"Mau Pemilu atau Pilpres, setelah selesai bertanding, maka kemudian kita bisa bersanding kembali, kembali menjak kerakunan bersama warga masyarakat," harapnya.
Regarding the conflict that has occurred between Gus Dur and Muhaimin Iskandar, Yenny stated that currently the community is smart, and can understand problems in the past.
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