Deputy V of the Presidential Chief of Staff, Jaleswari Pramodhawardani said that the opening speech of the 43rd ASEAN Summit by the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo, wanted to show that equality is the main value for ASEAN member countries.

This is in line with the theme carried out in the ASEAN event in 2023, where ASEAN becomes a stabilizer in the midst of global geopolitical tensions and exceeds just the "Epicentrum of Growth" as well as ASEAN is the "Epicentrum of Harmony".

"Of course equality is a fundamental ingredient in realizing this. If there is tension, ASEAN will definitely try to resolve it mediatively and solutionly," said Jaleswari in Jakarta, Tuesday, September 5.

Still related to equality, Jaleswari also added that diversity in Indonesia is one of the closest examples, where this difference can be one of the factors that strengthen the country, not a reason for division.

Indonesia as Chair of ASEAN in 2023 always prioritizes equality in managing various forums that are part of the ASEAN chairmanship series.

"The approach based on Indonesia's diverse national experience, both ethnicity, culture, language and religion with full equality, wants us to show that it can become a national force," said Jaleswari.

The 43rd ASEAN Summit in Jakarta is a good momentum to voice peace and prosperity amid various global threats and conflicts that occur as a result of inequality. Therefore, differences among members should not be a barrier to ASEAN's progress.

Jaleswari also mentioned the importance of Indonesia continuing to be optimistic about Indonesia's current global position. This was shown by President Jokowi who was able to bring Indonesia to gain international trust, placing Indonesia back in the world map, a country that has credibility, and a country whose voices were heard, and even taken into account. "This trust was built with our real work, including through the G20 Presidency and ASEAN Chairship," he said.

As is known, the 43rd Summit, which will be held 5-7 September 2023 in Jakarta, will be attended by ASEAN Leaders and State Leaders of ASEAN Partners and related international organizations. The 43rd ASEAN Summit will discuss the development and strengthening of ASEAN cooperation with external partners.

Jaleswari reiterated that in accordance with the theme relevance carried out by Indonesia in this Summit, ASEAN Matters: Epicentrum of Growth in upholding inclusiveness, equality, and peace.

There are four large spirits carried in the theme ASEAN Matters: Epicentrum Of Growth. First, ASEAN's long-term vision related to sustainability has been achieved.

Second, ensure that ASEAN is more resilient in facing the challenges of the times.

Third, making ASEAN a center of economic growth, and fourth, making Indo-Pacific a peaceful and prosperous area.

"As the President conveyed in his State Speech, Indonesia's current international trust is very high. This is built through the role and concrete proof of Indonesia's courage in attitude, where ASEAN will continue to be maintained as a neutral, safe and peaceful area", concluded Jaleswari.

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