YOGYAKARTA - Head of the Human Resources Development Agency of the Ministry of Communication and Information, Hary Budiarto, confirmed the formation of a fact-finding team at the Yogyakarta Multi Media High School (STMM) to investigate the news of alleged sexual harassment in the campus environment.

"We will form a fact-finding team (TPF), then we look for which evidence, but it doesn't exist yet. Then when the evidence is there, then we will process both the perpetrators, victims, and the BEM (Student Executive Board)," said Hary Budiarto as quoted by ANTARA, Monday, September 4.

According to him, BEM STMM was also asked for information as the first party to report the information on the alleged sexual harassment through social media accounts.

He hopes that the TPF investigation will be able to explain the problem of the actual case that occurred in STMM.

"Why does BEM put information without any real evidence. What is called sexual violence, it's not yet clear who the victim is, who the perpetrator is, that's the assumption that we are really looking for, the team has been formed, then this is a process," said Hary.

Chairman of STMM Yogyakarta Noor Iza said his agency had received a report related to alleged sexual harassment in the STMM environment and immediately carried out a series of deepening efforts.

"The point is from us that the Multi Media High School condemns all acts of sexual harassment and also any immoral acts," he said.

In addition to following up on complaints, according to Noor, the team that has been formed by STMM also functions to provide assistance for students suspected of being victims of sexual harassment.

All handling related to the alleged case, said Noor, will refer to the Regulation of the Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia Number 30 of 2021 regarding the prevention and handling of sexual violence in schools and universities.

Noor said that the internal STMM team has currently asked for information from a number of students who reported or were suspected of being victims of the alleged sexual harassment.

"Maybe four people (asked for information), but what I really checked was the focus of two people. One person actually, the other one was the companion," he said.

The information from a number of reporters will then become the basis of the STMM internal team to investigate the alleged perpetrators.

"Waiting for the results, it must be clear to accuse people who are not wrong, that's dangerous," he said.

Previously, Yogyakarta STMM BEM through their official Instagram account @bemstmmyk, Thursday, August 31, 2023, uploaded information on allegations of sexual harassment on campus.

Based on the upload of the account, the sexual harassment incident occurred on Wednesday, August 28, 2023, in the toilet of the Sociocultural building, Yogyakarta STMM Campus.

"There are several individuals who are recording irresponsibly in the women's toilet of the Sociocultural building," the account wrote in its upload.

The perpetrator's actions were said to have claimed as many as four people without being explained in detail who they were.

One BEM representative said this case had been handled by the campus. BEM has not been able to provide further information and stated that it will be delivered immediately through an official release.

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