TMII Becomes Exhibition Location In The Context Of The 43rd ASEAN Summit,
Archipelago Lake Taman Mini Indonesia Indah. (photo: dock. intermediate)

JAKARTA - Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Basuki Hadimuljono said the Taman Mini Indonesia Indah or TMII became an exhibition location in the context of the implementation of the 43rd ASEAN Summit (KTT) in Jakarta. "TMII became the location of the exhibition (spouse program) in the context of the implementation of the 43rd ASEAN Summit (KTT), in Jakarta on 5-7 September 2023," said Basuki in Jakarta, Saturday, September 2. He also added the arrangement of facilities and infrastructure in the TMII area, especially in preparation for international meeting locations in Jakarta, such as the G20 2022 Summit and the ASEAN 2023 Summit on 5-7 September 2023. The arrangement was also carried out to restore TMII as a large-scale icon and public space in Jakarta, such as the Gelora Bung Karno (GBK) Area and Ragunan Wildlife Park which had been the destination for public tourism since the 1970s. The arrangement area includes revitalization of 7.71 hectares of buildings and an area of 26.56 hectare with a total budget of the Ministry of PUPR of Rp1.07 trillion. The construction of the scope of the work includes the arrangement of the main gate area, renovation of Sasono Utomo's main corridor, Sasono Langgeng Budoyo, and Sasono Adiguno, renovation of the Indonesian Museum, arrangement of the platform and pedestrian landscape, arrangement of ring(halte), parking area, and management building. Furthermore, the arrangement of the landscape of islands in Lake Archipelego (promenade, pedestrian bridge, Danamphitheater), renovation of the Garuda Theater Museum, Telkom Museum, and Keong Mas, including the construction of parking structures with the design of an elevated, asphalting of roads and dredging of Archipelago Lake.

Basuki mengatakan penataan kawasan TMII dilakukan Kementerian PUPR secara besar-besaran dengan mengadopsi konsep destinasi wisata rakyat yang mengedepankan suasana lebih alami dan hijau.“TMII merupakan tempat rekreasi populer yang sudah dibuka sejak tahun 70an. Kementerian PUPR memulai revitalisasi sejak Januari 2022 hingga selesai pada Oktober 2022 lalu. Hal ini sesuai perintah Presiden Joko Widodo untuk menjadikan TMII dengan wajah barunya sebagai destinasi wisata rakyat yang lebih hijau, nyaman, dan sehat," katanya.Revitalisasi TMII yang dilakukan sejak Januari 2022 telah selesai dengan biaya APBN sebesar Rp1,07 triliun. Konsep revitalisasi TMII telah dikembalikan seperti rencana induk awal yakni mengusung konsep kawasan hijau dengan 70 persen ruang terbuka hijau dan 30 persen bangunan.Dengan mengusung konsep inklusif,culture, dansmart, wajah baru TMII ini dapat menjadi ikon besar pariwisata di Jakarta dan juga menjadi kebanggaan Indonesia.

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