TANGERANG Syarif Hidayat, a middle-aged man who has the heart to rape his daughter hundreds of times at her Teluknaga area, Tangerang, is suspected of being mentally disturbed. Therefore, the police will conduct a mental examination of Syarif.

"The suspect will be checked (His soul-ed)," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Tangerang City Metro Police, Kompol Rio Mikael Tobing in a short message, Thursday, August 31.

Regarding NF's condition, continued Kompol Rio, he had experienced severe trauma. However, currently, conditions continue to improve, and have even returned to work.

"The condition of the victim is currently stable and is already working, later the psychological side will be examined," he said.

"(The victim can also) Assistance and strengthening is still being carried out by P2 members on schedule to psychologists next week for trauma recovery," he continued.

Syarif Hidayat's actions made the residents so angry with him. Syarif really had the heart to treat his biological daughter for years in a heinous way. After Syarif was arrested, it was revealed the reason the man raped his daughter.

Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Tangerang City Metro Police, Kompol Rio Mikael Tobing, said that the reason Syarif raped his biological child, NF (19) 100 times at his home was because he did not get maximum service from his wife, RH. Because, said Kompol Rio, RH was busy working and tired when he got home.

"His wife is busy working. Service to her husband is lacking," Rio said in a short message, Thursday, August 31.

Kompol Rio said the perpetrator raped his daughter 100 times under threat. Syarif threatened to damage the household ark if he rejected his father's wishes.

This recitation has been going on since the NF victim was still in elementary school (SD), since 2014 until now 2023, at the age of 19, who generally sits in High School (SMA).

"If the victim does not want to serve the suspect, it will damage the family," he said.

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