BOGOR - Bogor City Police Traffic Unit, West Java Police, secured 1,000 sacks of rice each belonging to Perum Bulog which spilled at Tugu Kujang's turn due to a broken transport truck in the controller. Head of the Bogor City Police Traffic Unit, Kompol Galih Apria, said that Hino's truck, which was about to deliver rice to a warehouse in Dramaga District, Bogor Regency, was swayed due to failed right maneuvers, rolled to the left, so the rice box spilled. "We have secured the rice sack, moved it from the location, and the car. This incident is on the main road in the city of Bogor, so as not to disturb it, it has been completed at 5.00 WIB, only remains," he explained in Bogor City, Antara, Wednesday, August 30. Galih said that on Wednesday at 2.30 WIB the truck with police number B-9941-SEH carrying Bulog rice came from the direction of Baranangsiang towards Mawar. When passing on Pajajaran Street, to be precise near Tugu Kujang, it is suspected that the truck was about to maneuver to the right but suffered a broken container control so that it rolled to the left along with its cargo. As a result of the incident, the truck and the road divider fence were damaged. According to information obtained, he said, the truck was driven by a backup driver.
"The results of the description of the driver driving the trailer were not focused, so he passed the exit of the Sentul Toll Road and the vehicle exiting the Bogor Toll Road," said Galih.

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