JAKARTA Not much different from iOS 18, Apple also launched many new features on macOS Sequioa. The latest operating system (OS) for Mac presents features that support efficiency and are smarter.

Dari banyaknya fitur baru yang tersedia, beberapa fitur di antaranya bisa mendukung Anda untuk menjadi lebih produktif. Pasalnya, seluruh fitur ini bisa memudahkan pekerjaan Anda. Berikut beberapa fitur produktif yang bisa Anda coba di macOS Sequiao, dikutip dari How to Geek.

Window Unbin Making

In macOS Sequioa, opening some windows is not difficult. In fact, the display can be better organized so you don't have to switch apps. To use a more organized window tiling, you just need to drag the window to the edge of the screen.

If you want to choose a more manual way, you can open the desired window, then tap the Window option in the menu bar. After that, select Move and Change Size to select the desired tile area.

iPhone Mirroring

This one feature is widely liked by workers. When they are busy making reports or presentation materials, they don't need to look for mobile phones to open certain applications or reply to messages while working.

When the iPhone Mirroring feature is active, you can open any application, even entertainment applications such as TikTok, YouTube, or Spotify. To enable this feature, you only need to click on the iPhone icon in Dock, then bring your phone to the Mac.

Math Notes

The last feature that can support you more productive is the ability to calculate in the Notes application. When you need to make notes like this month's amount of expenses or the amount of money you need to spend to shop, you no longer need to open a calculator application.

As long as the arithmetic is still simple, Notes can do it right away. For example, when you write '18+18=' in Notes, the app will display the answer automatically with yellow writing.

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