JAKARTA - Secretary General of the PDI-P (PDIP) DPP, Hasto Kristiyanto revealed the reason the Hanura Party only visited the PDIP DPP office today. In fact, the Hanura Party is the first political party to support the presidential candidate Ganjar Pranowo in the 2024 presidential election.

"Earlier, many journalists asked us, Hanura was the first after the PDI-P gave support to Pak Ganjar Pranowo for our presidential candidate, but why only today?," said Hasto, Monday, August 28.

Chairman of the Hanura Party, Oesman Sapta Odang, was greeted directly by the General Chairperson of the PDIP DPP Megawati Soekarnoputri.

In today's meeting, Megawati was accompanied by Hasto and PDIP General Treasurer Olly Dondokambey as well as a number of central managers such as Tri Rismaharini, Arif Wibowo, Sadarestuwati, Mindo Sianipar, Nusyirwan Soedjono, Ahmad Basarah, Utut Adianto, Eriko Sotarduga, I Made Urip, Sri Rahayu, to Wiryanti Sukamdani.

Meanwhile, Oesman was accompanied by Secretary General of Kodrat Shah, General Treasurer Halim Shahab, Chairman of the Honorary Council Marwan Paris, Chairman of the Advisory Council Bachtiar Aly and other Hanura central administrators.

Hasto explained that Hanura had just arrived today because there were several things that were taken care of first by Oso as the general chairman. He joked that Oso had just finished cleaning up the political wilderness.

"I answered to my press friends, that's why Bang Oesman Sapta Odang, from his birth date, this ware is the zodiac of a lion, so he becomes the king of the jungle, so that he first cleans up the wilderness of the political jungle, then comes to the PDI-P, that's Oso," he said.

"So yesterday he immediately showed off force by moving a healthy road in Bandung, shaking West Java," continued Hasto.

Hasto then praised Hanura under the leadership of Oso. Where the former chairman of the DPD is diligent in traveling around Indonesia.

"So that Bang Oso is not only good at leading, especially in Sumatra, in Sulawesi, outside Java throughout Indonesia and also Central Java has also declared, yesterday he also came to West Java. So working first, then meeting, that's Hanura. Thank you," he concluded.

From the start, the Hanura Party expressed its support for Ganjar after Megawati's determination on April 21.

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