JAKARTA - The chairman of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, visited the production center for the recreation of the Carica fruit in Wonosobo Regency. Puan also encouraged Dieng's signature souvenir products to go international.
Puan came to Carica Cahaya Dieng, Wonosobo, Saturday, August 26. Accompanied by owners of Carica Cahaya Dieng, Ismaun and his wife, Puan reviewed the production of Candi Carica whose products were sold throughout Java, from Bandung, Jakarta to Malang.
At the Carica production center, Puan saw the process of making candied fruit which could only grow in the highlands. Starting from the preparation of materials, the cooking process to packaging.
While watching the process of making Carica candits, once in a while Puan talks with the workers. He also seemed to taste the sweets of the Carica fruit which were of the type of papaya.
UMKM by Carica must be boosted and supported continuously so that its distribution can reach abroad. Moreover, Carica is a fruit that can only grow in the Dieng Plateau so that it has its own selling value," said Puan.
Ismaun's products are sold at the center by Wonosobo and supplied to a number of areas in the country. Puan said, Carica has promising economic potential because many Wonosobo residents are farming in Carica and making it their main livelihood.
"This potential must continue to be developed, with more optimal empowerment supported by the Government because the production of Carica can improve the economy of the Wonosobo community," said the first woman to serve as Chair of the DPR RI.
Puan also supports the development of Carica production, which is currently not only limited to candied, but has penetrated other products such as chips and other types of food. Moreover, the young Carica fruit can be processed into skin disease and cosmetics.
"These various innovations certainly need to be supported by good regulations, healthy business environments, and new developments from MSME players themselves. And make sure the quality of production is always improved," said Puan.
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