JAKARTA - Head of the Democratic Party's Organizational, Cadreization and Membership Development Agency (BPOPKK), Herman Khaeron, viewed negatively the discourse of Ganjar Pranowo's duet with Anies Baswedan, which was dreamed by PDIP politician Said Abdullah. According to Herman, the discourse was deliberately disbursed to divide the Coalition for Change for Unity (KPP). Especially to demean Anies Baswedan.

"It could be by discussing the Ganjar-Anies pair, deliberately to divide the Change Coalition. As an effort to downgrade Anies like that," said Herman at the Senayan Parliament Complex, Jakarta, Friday, August 25. Herman assessed that these discourses were raised to create a negative impression so that Anies' electability would decrease. It is known, in the latest SMRC survey, the electability rate of the former governor of DKI Jakarta decreased by 0.3 percent.

"I think this is what we think is being done by any party, anyone so that there is a negative perception in society, which ultimately reduces Mas Anies' electability as a presidential candidate from the Change Coalition," he said.

The DPR member is also waiting for the discourse on the Ganjar-Anies duet to take place. Until now, Herman emphasized that the Democrats are still committed to collaborating with PKS and NasDem. "Democrats are committed to being loyal to joint results. Strengthen commitments, and we are also carrying out these joint commitments well," said Herman.

Previously, PDIP DPP Chairman Said Abdullah invited Anies Baswedan to join Ganjar Pranowo in the 2024 presidential election. According to him, both of them are smart leaders of the same alma mater.

This was said by Said in response to the results of the Kompas Research and Development survey, where in the simulation of head to head presidential candidates, Ganjar was far superior to Anies. Ganjar obtained 60.1 percent electability and Anies was 39.9 percent in the August 2023 period. Initially, Said considered Anies not a competitor who could be underestimated. Because as a former governor of DKI Jakarta, Anies is included in the criteria for intelligent leadership candidates.

"For us, Anies Baswedan is not a competitor who should be underestimated. He with Ganjar is a smart candidate leader. Both are the same in one alma mater, the greatest campus in Indonesia, namely Gajah Mada University," Said told reporters, Monday, August 21. Said then said, Anies could join Ganjar as one strength in the 2024 election later. If the two join, according to him, then the future national leadership will be even better. "Moreover, if both of them can join as one strength, of course it will be better for the future of our national leadership in the future, as young, intelligent, and energetic," he said.

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