BANTEN - Tangerang Regent, Banten Province, Ahmed Zaki Iskandar indicated that local governments will apply or impose stricter sanctions for perpetrators of public waste burning. "This must be legal action. We will take firm action (the perpetrators of burning garbage), so this must have a deterrent effect. Otherwise this will repeat itself and happen again," he said in Tangerang, Antara, Monday, August 21. According to him, efforts to impose strict sanctions were carried out to solve environmental problems, because so far one of the factors of the poor emission sources to air pollution is illegal burning of waste. However, with this, the Tangerang Regency Government is coordinating with the police and the local TNI to supervise the illegal arson activities in its area. "Soon we will talk together with Forkopimda, especially to the Police/TNI in the field to monitor illegal fires in Tangerang Regency," he said. Ahmed Zaki Iskandar also stated that to support the realization of the imposition of sanctions, his party will immediately conduct discussions together with other parties as to design legal regulations that will later be included in regional regulations (perda). Previously, the Department of Environment and Hygiene (DLHK) of Tangerang Regency stated that the burning of open or illegally carried out by the community was one of the factors for the poor air quality in the region. Head of the Legal and Control Control Division of Pollution and Environmental Damage (PPKL) DLHK Tangerang Regency Ari Marogo said based on data compiled by his party, it was stated that household groups or the community generally still carry out many illegal waste burning activities. "If the burning of waste is actually a small amount, but the carbon content (CO2 Red) caused is dangerous," he said. Then, in addition to burning waste into a source of poor emissions against air pollution, other factors that affect bad air quality are caused by exhaust gases from motorized vehicles. From the results of air emission testing in several areas. It is known that the largest contribution is still sourced from immovable and moving emissions. Where, he continued, the level of sulfur dioxide concentration (SO2) has increased, especially in areas adjacent to industry and the center of traffic. "Indeed, the results of this test are passive. So we put up the measuring device for two weeks, so the circulating levels contain sulfur dioxide (SO2) and hydrogen dioxide," he said. He said that until now the condition of poor air quality, especially in the Tangerang Regency area, has increased, because the concentration of pollutants began to increase due to the influence of the entry of the dry season which caused the concentration of dust particles floating in the air to increase. Nevertheless, the Tangerang Regency DLHK continues to make various efforts to improve air quality in its area, including by monitoring and evaluating community groups and industries for performance in air quality management.
"We are currently conducting surveillance in certain areas, one of which is in government areas, industry, and residential areas as well as in traffic centers such as at Cikupa toll gates," said Ari Marogo.

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