BANJARMASIN - Tapin Regency Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) officers together with the fire department (BPK) overcome the flames that almost engulfed the Rawit Hiyung Chili Central in Hiyung Village, South Kalimantan.
The head of the Junaidi Karya Baru Farmers Group said officers had extinguished the source of the fire swiftly so that there was no Cabai Rawit Hiyung land on fire.
"In the Central Chili Rawit Hiyung area, there are more than 20 hectares. Some are ready to harvest, maintain and have just planted," Junaidi said as quoted by ANTARA, Friday, August 18.
Junaidi said there were three hotspots that burned the bush around the Central Chili Rawit Hiyung which had been seen since 15.00 WITA.
"The fire is spreading and getting bigger and maghrib," said Junaidi. The land fire around the Central Chili Rawit Hiyung is not the first time, but according to Junaidi, this incident is quite threatening to residential areas. "Today it is worrying, there are fires that are heading for chili plantations and settlements," he said.
Head of Emergency and Logistics Division of BPBD Tapin Sofyan Regency said officers had extinguished 95 percent of the source of the fire, while the remaining five percent were far from reach.
"Medan is a bit difficult to reach a fire plus difficult water at some point," said Sofyan.
Currently, there is still one hotspot still burning, but Sofyan revealed that officers were on standby to anticipate the fire spreading to settlements in Hiyung Village.
"There are 13 BPKs that participated in blocking and extinguishing the fire tonight," said Sofyan.
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