JAKARTA - Constitutional Law expert who is also a member of the DPD RI for the 2019 period –2014 Prof. Jimly Asshiddiqie assessed that the proposed amendment to the 1945 Constitution should be understood as an opportunity to improve the constitutional system as well as the presidential system in Indonesia. Therefore, Jimly believes that the amendment proposal is not only aimed at establishing the Principles of State Policy (PPHN) and strengthening the institutional institutions of the MPR or DPD RI, but also for other problems currently being faced. “Is it true (the proposal of amendments) is only specifically for PPHN? Unfortunately, because there are so many things that we have to fix. Well, but it will go home later to ideas that can be compiled by the MPR,” Jimly said when met questions after the MPR Annual Session and the 2023 DPR and DPD Joint Session at the MPR/DPR RI Parliament Complex, Jakarta, Antara, Wednesday, August 16. Therefore, he suggested that if there is an opportunity for amendments, it is also necessary to discuss the practice of the presidential system in Indonesia. My “ If (proposed), we are watching the same coalitions of presidential candidates (presidential candidates), this is not healthy. Everything becomes transactional. Not necessarily the pair will be compact because this is the result of transaction negotiations, positioning. So, in my opinion, this should be evaluated as well. For example, let the president be led directly, one person. The vice president (vice president) is chosen in the MPR only from the two candidates proposed by the elected president. That way, the vice president candidate is the person who wants the president. The president position is stronger, but also the MPR becomes more important, stronger because he also chooses the vice president,” said Jimly Asshiddiqie. The proposal of the amendment to the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia (UUD 1945) was submitted by the Chairman of the MPR RI Bambang Soesatyo and the Chairman of the DPD RI AA LaNyalla Mahmud Mattalitti during the Annual Session of the MPR RI and the Joint Session of the DPR and DPD RI in 2023. Bambang Soesatyo in his speech mentioned that there are several problems that have no constitutional solution, especially after the 4th amendment to the 1945 Constitution. These problems include institutions, main tasks and functions of the MPR, as well as PPHN.
Meanwhile, the Chairman of the DPD RI in his speech proposed amendments to the 1945 Constitution, including making the MPR RI the highest institution in the country and opening up opportunities for members of the DPR RI to come from non-partisans.

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