JATENG - The DPRD of Kudus Regency proposed the dismissal of the Kudus Regent's term of office in a plenary session on Friday 11 August.

"The proposal is a follow-up to the letter from the Kudus Regent dated July 10, 2023 regarding the final process of the term of office of the Kudus Regent in 2023," said the chairman of the Kudus Masan DPRD while chairing the plenary session of the Kudus DPRD.

This meeting was also based on the decision of the Minister of Home Affairs number 131.33-669/2021 regarding the appointment of the Kudus Regent for the 2018-2023 term, it was stated that the term of office of the Kudus Regent would end on September 24, 2023.

If you look at the provisions, he said, the dismissal of regional heads was announced by the DPRD leadership through a plenary meeting. So that on Friday 11 August, he continued, his party announced that the term of office of the Kudus Regent Hartopo would end on September 24, 2023.

Meanwhile, the proposal for dismissal is submitted to the Ministry of Home Affairs no later than 30 days before the end of the regent's term of office.

The Regent of Kudus Hartopo expressed his gratitude for the cooperation so far, so that the synergy that was established went well and resulted in various public policies. "We also thank Forkopimda for showing extraordinary synergy," he said.

He admitted that during his tenure he had made maximum efforts to realize the development of the City of Kudus for the better, but the pandemic had made several activity programs not go according to plan. However, he said, it should be proud that the City of Kudus managed to get out of the pandemic faster than other regions. Meanwhile, indicators in various development sectors are currently also showing a positive trend.

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