DENPASAR - Bali Police Chief Inspector General Ida Bagus Kade Putra Narendra inaugurated 3,956 Banjar police personnel to bring the Police closer to the community and also to suppress criminal acts in society.

"Currently we have formed 3,956 Banjar police personnel throughout Bali. Banjar police personnel are placed on each banjar, airspace, coastal area in Bali according to their characteristics and level of vulnerability," said Inspector General Narendraseusai at the inauguration ceremony of the Banjar police at Niti Mandala Square, Renon, Denpasar, Bali, as reported by ANTARA, Thursday, August 10.

Narenda said that maintaining security and order in the community is intertwined (to one) and has an impact on improving the standard of living, welfare in society.

Therefore, the Banjar police were formed as an effort to maintain security and public order (harkamtibmas) which prioritizes prevention before disturbances occur.

The Banjar police program is an innovation of the National Police equivalent to the RW police initiated by the Head of the National Police, Komjen Pol. M Fadil Imran and was inaugurated by the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo some time ago and has been implemented by the ranks of the National Police throughout Indonesia.

"This program aims to maintain security and social security by placing Polri personnel in the smallest area in the community. In the Bali area, the implementation of the RW police adopted the concept of local wisdom in the smallest area of Balinese people called banjar so that the implementation of the RW police in Bali was called the Banjar police," said the Bali Police Chief.

Narendra explained that the Banjar police program is a form of predictive binmas which is the unification of all the functions of harkamtibmas in carrying out their duties as Polmas in each banjar. In the program, all members of the National Police of all functions carry out their duties and responsibilities as security and security workers at the Banjar level by listening to public complaints and together with the community are looking for solutions to the solution.

In its implementation, the Banjar police will cooperate with all elements of society, starting from traditional leaders, community leaders and religious leaders, the Indigenous Integrated Security System forum based on Traditional Villages (Indigenous Guidelines), Bakamda and Babinsa.

The Kapolda said that by carrying out the principles of combining policies, restorative justice, and accountability, the main task of Banjar police is first, partnering with the community in detecting and identifying security and public order problems in the environment, and finding solutions to the problem.

Second, together with the community, they overcome social problems with preventive and preemptive actions so that they do not become a legal problem or interfere with security and social security. And third, support the task of other police to increase effectiveness, implementation of community police in every region.

The Kapolda hopes that the Banjar police program will be able to answer the community's needs to create a sense of security and bring the police closer to the community.

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