JAKARTA - Online shop entrepreneur Vanderism, Ivander responded to the statement by Si Cepat Express management regarding the reporting of a man with the initials TKH alias HF to the East Jakarta Police on suspicion of embezzlement. According to him, the mention of TKH as the founder of Si Cepat is not without facts. "I stated that the statement was based on the facts, so there is a basis and still adheres to the principle of presumption of innocence before this case is inkrah. Even a number of media outlets also mentioned that TKH is the founder of Si Cepat," Ivander said in Jakarta, Tuesday, August 8. His party is still seeking justice for the alleged embezzlement case committed by TKH alias HF which cost Rp1.778 billion.

"I have suffered billions of rupiah, not a small amount. This TKH action has disrupted the investment climate, for that I urge the Police to immediately arrest TKH. Because all the facts and documents of unlawful acts. I have submitted this matter to investigators at the East Jakarta Police," he said. Meanwhile, the legal process at the police is currently still under investigation. He said that previously the police had also sent a summons to the TKH house.

"TKH is known to have called his lawyer, I don't know which office, a lawyer who is different from my first mediation. The lawyer who came here is like usual, came cooperative, said he didn't know anything, he's a different field lawyer from Si Cepat's business line," said Ivander.

The lawyer, he said, actually asked Vanderism for data when mediation two years ago. However, according to him, there is no need to debate, because the existing data is final.

"So we are playing around again, yes, I'm afraid there is no clarity. Next week's plan, just call the lawyer, don't have to debate the data, because the data is final," he said.

Previously, PT Sicek Ekspres Indonesia responded to a number of reports related to the police report against the owner of Haidar and also Sicek with the initials TKH related to the alleged embezzlement of Vanderism's belongings.

Chief Marketing & Corporate Communication Officer of PT Sicek Ekspres Indonesia Wiwin Dewi Herawati said that the news was baseless and misleading.

"In the article, it was stated that online shop entrepreneur Vandarism demanded that the owners of Haidar and SiCepat Express with the initials TKH embezzle Rp1.7 billion in goods in 2020," said Wiwin.

He also objected to the news, because according to him it was not in accordance with the facts and did not apply the cover principle of both sides as stated in the Press Law article 5 paragraph 1.

"We emphasize that the SiCepat Express company is not owned by individuals, but is a Limited Company (PT). Then, the case of embezzlement of goods worth Rp. 1.7 billion which was demanded by the owner of the Vandarism online shop business is untrue and cannot be proven," he said.

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