JAKARTA - The Traffic Corps (Korlantas) of the National Police has officially replaced the number 8 and zigzag patterns with the letter S on the practice test for making a driving license (SIM) for motorcycles. The application of the exam will begin next week.
"Later on Monday (August 7) we hope that in the past two days each line up to the Polres level can apply a test such as (the S letter path)," said Head of Traffic Police Inspector General Firman Shantyabudi to reporters, Friday, August 4.
This path with the S-letter pattern was chosen as a new method on the practical test based on the results of the expert's studies while still prioritizing the expertise and safety of motorists.
Moreover, driving tests with the number 8 and zigzag patterns are considered irrelevant. In fact, it is considered that the community is very difficult.
"We receive input from the public that the 8th test using the 8th method is felt to be quite difficult," he said.
In this method, said Firman, driving skills will be tested. Starting from straight vehicles, turning to left and right.
The expertise tested on this method is actually the general way of traveling on the highway.
"Earlier there was a straight path, then there was U Turn, then formed a kind of letter S move, just straight, and then reacted to throw it to the left and to the right," he said.
"This means that in the previous (trial) we only tested each item, in pieces, now we are concurrently like the community when walking on the highway," continued Firman.
In addition, the series of tests, both practice and terrorism, will also test public knowledge in branded ethics. For example, stopping at traffic light and so on.
"We also include the education and knowledge and driving skills. How far do people understand the behavior that must be prosecuted on the road. The second is also how to control their vehicles," said Firman.
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