JAKARTA - Member of Commission E of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, Basri Baco, supports the DKI Provincial Government's steps to enforce the policy of revocation of the Jakarta Smart Card (KJP) Plus for students in the capital involved in the brawl.

According to Baco, sanctions in the form of revocation of KJP to students caught involved in a brawl can be a deterrent effect for those concerned and their parents. This can also be a warning to other KJP recipients not to follow this.

"KJP, the children involved in the brawl, I agree that the parents and children know themselves, and are lessons for others so that they are grateful and grateful to the local government and don't take the KJP for fun," Baco told reporters, Monday, July 31.

From this condition, Baco is of the view that KJP can have a function other than as operational assistance for student education, which is to direct students to be motivated not to bad behavior.

"Many students have not been able to get KJP because the budget is limited. So, KJP is used for school assistance for those who really intend to go to school. So, it must remain targeted, it cannot be," explained Baco.

Previously, the Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta, Heru Budi Hartono, said that he had revoked KJP Plus for two students involved in the brawl.

The KJP recipients who were revoked were students of PKBM Negeri 16 and SMP Negeri 28. Based on the results of the search by the DKI Jakarta Education Office and parents' confessions, these two students were proven to have participated in a brawl in the Johar Baru area, Central Jakarta.

"Yesterday there were 2 fights, the KJP was revoked. Don't fight, study properly, we urge you. If in Jakarta school is free, just go to school," said Heru at DKI Jakarta City Hall, Thursday, July 27.

Heru asked all school principals and teachers to always remind students to avoid brawls. Parental supervision to community leaders in the home environment, according to Heru, is also needed.

To the students, Heru also reminded that brawl activities could have a bad impact, ranging from criminal acts, disturbances to the surrounding community, to threats to their future.

"If there is a brawl, what will happen to the future? That's right. What is his future? Return to himself, it's a pity. Jakarta, yes, his children must be smarter, he explained," explained Heru.

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