The Sumbawa District Attorney (Kejari) is tracing the assets belonging to the former Director of the Sumbawa Regional General Hospital (RSUD) with the initials DHB, a suspect in the alleged corruption case in the management of funds from the Regional Public Service Agency (BLUD) for the 2022 fiscal year.

The Head of the Special Crimes Section of the Sumbawa Kejari, Indra Zulkarnaen, revealed that only one valuable asset belonging to the suspect DHB was successfully included in the data collection.

"Yes, there is already one asset, it is in Sumbawa. So, all of them still have to be traced," said Indra in East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), Monday, July 31, which was confiscated by Antara.

In an effort to trace the assets of the suspect DHB, Indra said the Sumbawa Kejari was still doing it independently. There is no plan to cooperate with experts, in this case the Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Center (PPATK).

According to him, PPATK only has expertise in the field of tracing the flow of funds. In contrast to the case of the suspect DHB which leads to allegations of extortion with the mode of profit-taking in each disbursement of the project budget.

"Coordination with PPATK is related to the flow of funds. If this is a project fee issue, it does not go directly to him (the DHB suspect), but through Zaenuri," he said.

According to information, Zaenuri was a confidant of the DHB suspect when he was still active as Director of the Sumbawa Hospital.

Indra also confirmed this. In fact, after withdrawing the project fee, Zaenuri revealed that he deposited a project fee with the suspect DHB. Evidence of Zaenuri's role is also included in the completeness of the case file.

Regarding the suspect's plan to open his mouth about the involvement of other people who also enjoyed the BLUD funds at the Sumbawa Hospital, Indra invited it because it was the suspect's right.

"Please open it yourself or we will open it (the involvement of other people). Who do you want to close or who you want to open and who you lose?" he said.

Investigators in this case named DHB as a suspect by applying Article 12 letter e in conjunction with Article 23 of Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption as amended by Law no. 20 of 2001 in conjunction with Article 65 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code.

The prosecutor's office has named DHB as a suspect based on evidence that confirms the existence of a criminal extortion corruption. One of them is related to state losses resulting from an independent count with a value of at least Rp. 1 billion.

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