PAPUA - Head of the Manokwari Regency Land Office, Maizar, appealed to the people in Manokwari to first check the documents before buying land so they don't get caught in land disputes.
"Before buying land, report it to the Land Office first, whether the land has been certified or not so that in the future it is protected from land disputes," said Maizar in Manokwari, West Papua, Saturday, July 29, quoted by Antara.
He said the tendency of ordinary people in Manokwari did not want to check the land before buying. After the land is paid and the problem is then go to the Land Office, when it should be anticipated.
"If we report, we will check and make sure the location already has a certificate document or not. In addition to checking documents, our officers will also measure and ensure directly in the field," he said.
Maizar explained that in general, there are many lands that do not yet have certificates. There are still many lands that are traded that only use release documents from traditional institutions.
In the end, there were many double releases. One location of land can be sold to several different people. This was also avoided by reporting it to the Land Office," he said.
He said, by reporting to the Land Office, it could be recorded which release land had been registered for the manufacture of certificates. If the land has been registered to make a certificate, it will reject other parties.
"For example, A bought land in 2010 but did not check and report it to the Land Office. But the same land was bought by B in 2020, but B reported this to the Land Office. So when it comes to problems, person B already has a legal basis," he said.
According to him, if there is a double sale or double land ownership, the Land Office can only help mediate. However, if there is a legal dispute in court, the Land Office is involved as a witness.
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