Jambi - Jambi High Prosecutor's Investigation Team (Kejati) confiscated assets belonging to former President Director (Managing Director)Bank Jambi Yunsak El Hacon (YEH) in the Money Laundering (TPPU) case related to the corruption crime of failing to pay Medium Term Note (MTN) at PT Sunprima Nusantara Financing (SNP Finance).
Head of the Information and Law Section (Kasi Penkum) of the Jambi Prosecutor's Office, Lexy Fatharani, said that the confiscated assets were in the form of land and buildings. This asset is thought to have been the result of corruption money laundering (TPPU) failing to pay MTN reaching Rp310 billion.
The confiscation of assets was carried out by investigators on Tuesday afternoon at around 16.00 WIB which was located in two locations in Jambi City with.
The details are two housing units in the Telanaipura Village area and Simpang IV Sipin Village, Telanaipura District, Jambi City.
The confiscation of the Jambi Prosecutor's Office Team was also attended by the suspect's family and legal counsel. Investigators also submitted a Confiscation Letter and Confiscation Permit of the Chief Justice of the Court to the suspect.
After a meeting was held between all parties, finally the Jambi Prosecutor's Office Pidsus investigators managed to confiscate two houses in Jambi City.
"The investigative team has finally confiscated two houses belonging to suspect YEH related to the corruption case of defaulting PT SNP at Bank Jambi at PT MNC Sekuritas," Lexy said in Jambi, Antara, Wednesday, July 26.
This case was revealed after investigators from the Jambi Attorney General's Office investigated and found a financial case that was not in accordance with the actual facts and was then used by PT MNC Sekuritas (as an arranger appointed by PT SNP) in compiling MTN PT SNP bid documents in the form of memorandum info and teasers to be submitted to potential investors, one of which was Bank Jambi.
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