A total of 1,935 traffic violators in Bantul were prosecuted by the police for 14 days from 10-23 July. Violations are dominated by underage riders who do not wear SNI helmets.
Head of Public Relations of the Bantul Police, Iptu I Nengah Jeffry Prana Widnyana, said other violations, including motorcyclists, used 'brong' exhausts.
"There were 1,935 violators for the ticketing and a sympathetic warning against 5,885 violators," he said in a press statement in Bantul, Yogyakarta Special Region (DIY), Monday, July 24, which was confiscated by Antara.
Jeffry said the main target in the operation called Operation Patuh Progo 2023 was to build compliance with motorized vehicle drivers in traffic. Therefore, in addition to the ticket, officers give action in the form of a warning.
Jeffry added that the operation also took place on the spot by presenting judges and prosecutors directly.
"Officers present Mobile Samsat for motorists whose vehicle tax is dead," he said.
Jeffry said that during the operation the traffic violators were dominated by elements of private employees, students and the State Civil Apparatus (ASN).
Furthermore, Jeffry said that during the implementation of Operation Patuh Progo 2023, his party recorded that there were 68 traffic accidents
"Dari kecelakaan lalu lintas tersebut tidak sampai menimbulkan korban jiwa, tapi mengakibat luka ringan sebanyak 83 orang, serta menyebabkan kerugian materi mencapai Rp21.218,000," katanya.
According to him, the Bantul Police will continue to intensify patrols, to enforce traffic safety and order rules.
"We urge the public to always obey traffic rules. Always obey signs, use helmets, and don't use non-standard exhausts (brongs). Keep in mind, the beginning of the accident started with traffic violations," he said.
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